This is a sneak preview of some additions to Hole In the Wall. To make it more appealing we added “human” features to the shape shifting object.
View this post on Instagram Added humanoid features to the object plus some other effects for our Hall In The Wall casual game. #indiegamedev #indiegame #unity3d #unitydev #androidgames #mobilegames #casualgames #hypercasual #casualgamer #gamedev #gamedesign A post shared by Klassic Studios (@klassicstudios) on Aug 3, 2019 at 6:56am PDT
Added humanoid features to the object plus some other effects for our Hall In The Wall casual game. #indiegamedev #indiegame #unity3d #unitydev #androidgames #mobilegames #casualgames #hypercasual #casualgamer #gamedev #gamedesign
A post shared by Klassic Studios (@klassicstudios) on Aug 3, 2019 at 6:56am PDT
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